Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher; Professor
Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences
European University in St. Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura

The article deals with one of the central problems of folklore research, the problem of semantic and syntagmatic stability of narrative plots. Influential 20th-century theories of folklore have not provided us with a clear and consistent solution. New perspectives for understanding of these processes could be discussed in the context of the ‘meme theory’. In the perspective of memetic approach, viability of tale types is determined by their ‘cognitive adaptability’ and social relevance, rather than stable semantics or ‘historical roots’. Examples from present day popular culture, including the dissemination of the so-called ‘happiness cakes’, seem to point towards a certain symbiosis of memes and biological entities. The paper considers elaboration of memetic approach to culture in relation to the actor network theory, anthropology of emotions, and cognitive science.

Keywordstransmission of tale types, theory of memes, anthropology of emotions, cognitive science, chain letters, contemporary legend.
Publication date01.03.2022
Number of characters55870
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