Trends of soil processes in the natural landscapes of mountain and foothill province of the republic of dagestan

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka
EditionNumber 4

The results of years of research, which deals with the trends of modern processes of soil formation and soil degradation Piedmont province. The purpose of the research is the study of modern soil-erosion and environmental-reclamation condition of soil cover and changes in natural-resource potential of sloping land, under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors over 50 years. It is noted that, as a result of intensive exposure to exogenous and endogenous factors on the slope ecosystems of the progressing processes of erosion and degradation. The soil cover is formed under strong tension geomorphological, geochemical, and biological processes. However, the more they change under the influence of increasing anthropogenic pressures and aridization. When comparing materials soil-erosion research, previously obtained with contemporary data observed tremendous changes in the spatial redistribution of eroded soils. During this time, twice reduced the area neeregirovannom soils. There is a clear reduction in the area of brown forest soils are hydromorphic type of soil formation and expansion of the range of brown and chestnut soils polyhydraminos and automorphic type of soil formation. A great diversity of soil and vegetation cover in vertical zones due to differences in solar exposition of the provisions of the relief and steepness of slopes. Evolution of soils occurs from hydromorphic and automorphic polyhydraminos to the stage of soil formation.


KeywordsSoil, soil formation, trends, erosion, degradation, fertility
Publication date30.09.2018
Number of characters917
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