Mutual relations of Pskov region with foreign countries: sociological poll results in the region

Код статьиS221979310010392-4-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: Intern Researcher
Аффилиация: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Адрес: Russian Federation, Moscow
Должность: Master of Science
Аффилиация: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Адрес: Russian Federation, Moscow
Должность: Master of Science
Аффилиация: Pskov State University
Адрес: Russian Federation, Pskov
Название журналаПсковский регионологический журнал
ВыпускВыпуск 3 (43)

The aim of the study is to identify the views of Pskov region residents, which is the only region in the European part of Russia, bordering with three countries, about the region’s international contacts with other states. The main attention in the article is given to identifying the current situation of relations between the Pskov region and foreign partners. Key information on the interaction assessment of the Pskov region with other countries was obtained during a sociological survey of the population. The survey was conducted at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. 150 respondents were interviewed in seven border regions of the Pskov region — Gdovskii (on the border with Estonia), Pechorskii (with Estonia and Latvia), Palkinskii, Pytalovskii, Krasnogorodskii (with Latvia), Sebezhskii (on the border with Latvia and the Republic of Belarus) and Nevelskii (with the Republic of Belarus). Features of identifying the main reasons for cooperation with the other countries were determined by constructing regression models of the relations between the cooperation factors of foreign countries and the Pskov region. As additional sources of information, publications of informational content about this region were used. Visualization of the results is based on standard type diagrams. Certain directions have been established, within those, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation of the Pskov region with foreign states.

Ключевые словаinternational contacts, areas of cooperation, socio-economic development, foreign partners
Источник финансированияThe results were obtained in cooperation with Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University while working on the project of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) № 18-17-00112.
Дата публикации19.05.2021
Кол-во символов16338
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1 Introduction. International cooperation of regions with foreign countries belongs to important state tasks. The main reason is the possibility of speeding up the socioeconomic development as result of the growing cooperation with other states. The question of strengthening the intercommunications with foreign countries is still actual, especially for the Russian Federation. It is no coincidence that the emphasis is put on the Russian Federation. This is explained by a special historical development path of Russia in the end of the XX century. The political and economic organization of Russia changed totally in the beginning of the 1990s. Significant changes in the structure of the economics have happen. These changes were mostly negative in the beginning. The low populated regions of the Russian Federation were affected the most. As a result, many regions had to actively search for foreign partners to improve the economic situation by investments attraction. Many researchers distinguish two waves of searching for investors: the first one lasted from the beginning of the 1990s until 1998 and the second one lasted from the 2000s and is characterized by more successful investors attraction. It is considered that a definite base of rethinking and repreparation for a new economic regime was being formed during the first wave. Thanks to the prepared legislative base, investors attraction with the help of cooperation with foreign countries became a more realizable task. Thus, it is interesting to explore (also by the included observation method) what relations do Russian regions (e.g. Pskov Oblast) have with foreign countries in 2020.
2 The research problem. The human society perception is formed during adolescence [6]. Individuals are significantly influenced by external patterns while forming personal perception of the environment. State of country’s development at the moment of an individual’s socialization and a relatively common opinion of social surroundings on various subjects are factors that influence these patterns. Therefore, it is important to emphasize why different generations have different opinions. E. g. older people often estimate foreign countries in a negative or neutral way, because patriotism was common among young people in the USSR. Their attitude to other countries has not changed much. From the other side, the youngest generation (among the age intervals considered in this research) estimates the cooperation with foreign countries more loyally. The reason is that their adolescence period has matched the beginning of the digital epoch.
3 Human values are at the base of all different opinions. The values are determined by external factors, such as environment and economic and political situation in the country. The values are the primary intention that forms a stable opinion about various aspects of individuals’ lives. Many authors have done research on how the values impact the individuals’ behavior and perception of the environment. It is necessary to name the founders of theoretical and methodological aspects of values.
4 V. Dilthey was one of the first authors who studied the nature of human values [2]. He suggested that a value is inseparable from forming the sense of satisfaction. M. Weber interprets values like a basic foundation that motivates human actions [1]. Sh. Schwartz is one of the first researchers who studied the interpretation of values understanding [13]. R. Inglehart laid the foundation for studying values from the position of cultural aspect. He emphasized that changing population values directly impacts the economic and social situation in a country. Besides, he neared the Sh. Schwartz’s ideas about values understanding and their influence on forming the individuals’ behavior [11]. P. Sorokin argued that values contribute to society development on the whole [7]. E. Durkheim noted that values exist around us and compose a background that influences forming the judgement about the surrounding environment [3]. W. Thomas and F. Znanetsky suggested that the value emphases were created in the process of the individuals’ interaction [8]. T. Parsons emphasized that values have a unique capacity to both unite and separate people communities [5].
5 Nowadays many authors study values as patterns influencing various aspects of life activity, e. g. V. Magun and M. Rudnev [4], E. Greene [10], E. D. Lowe [12], M. Secombe [14], V. Bengstone [9], J. Scott and M. Braun [15] and others.
6 Data preparation. The survey was conducted in the period from 18th November 2019 to 19th January 2020. 150 respondents were interviewed in seven border regions of the Pskov Oblast — Gdovskii (on the border with Estonia), Pechorskii (with Estonia and Latvia), Palkinskii, Pytalovskii, Krasnogorodskii (with Latvia), Sebezhskii (on the border with Latvia and the Republic of Belarus) and Nevelskii (with the Republic of Belarus).
7 These regions were сhosen in order to cover regions situated on the borders with Estonia, Latvia and the Republic of Belarus. Because of the small size of the sample, we focused on the Pechorskii region as mostly connected to the European Union countries because of more frequent border crossings. The Pechorskii region is the only region of the Pskov Oblast that has checkpoints with both Estonia and Latvia. The Pechorskii region is also not far from Pskov.

всего просмотров: 789

Оценка читателей: голосов 0

1. Weber M. (1990), Selected works, Moscow, Progress, 804 p. (In Russ.).

2. Dilthey V. (1996), Descriptive Psychology, St. Petersburg, Aletheia, 153 p. (In Russ.).

3. Durkheim E. (2008), Sociology. Her subject, method, purpose, Moscow, TERRA, Book Club, 400 p. (In Russ.).

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7. Sorokin P. A. (1992), Man. Civilization. Society, Moscow, Politizdat, 543 p. (In Russ.).

8. Thomas W., Znanetsky F. (1994), Methodological notes, Amerikanskaya social`naya my`sl`, ed. V. I. Dobrenkova. Moscow, pp. 335–337. (In Russ.).

9. Bengtson V. L. (1975), Generation and Family Effects in Value Socialization, American Sociological Review, vol. 40 (3), pp. 358–371.

10. Greene E. (1959), Values, Southwest Review, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 236–240.

11. Inglehart R. (2008), Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970 to 2006, World Values Survey, 2008, pp. 130–146.

12. Lowe E. D. (2019), Values. Touched with Fire: Morris B. Abram and the Battle against Racial and Religious Discrimination, University of Nebraska Press. 2019. 312 p.

13. Schwartz Shalom H., Sagiv Lilach (1995), Identifying Culture-Specifics in the Content and Structure of Values, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, vol. 26 (1), pp. 92–116.

14. Secombe M. J. (2016), Core values and human values in intercultural space, Politeja, vol. 44, pp. 265–276.

15. Scott J., Braun M. (2006), Individualization of family values?, Population Economics, vol. 1 (23), pp. 225–249.

Рис. 1. Соотношение населения по полу и возрастным группам в ГС (за вычетом учтённых специальных контингентов Себежского района) и в ОВС, % (Суворков_Рис._1..png, 9 Kb) [Скачать]

Рис. 2. Структура выборки по полу и возрастным группам, чел. (Суворков_Рис._2..png, 9 Kb) [Скачать]

Рис. 3. Структура выборки согласно времени проживания в Псковской области, чел. (Суворков_Рис._3..png, 5 Kb) [Скачать]

Рис. 4. Приоритетность сфер, в которых необходимо развивать сотрудничество Псковской области с другими странами (% расположивших данную сферу на первом месте по приоритетности) (Суворков_Рис._4..png, 7 Kb) [Скачать]

Таблица 2 Оценка перспектив различных направлений социально-экономической политики Псковской области, % (Суворков_Табл._2.png, 152 Kb) [Скачать]

Таблица 3 Степень важности сотрудничества Псковской области с зарубежными странами («1» — совсем не важно; «5» — очень важно), % (Суворков_Табл._3.png, 430 Kb) [Скачать]

Таблица 4 Отношение респондентов разных возрастных категорий к зарубежным странам (Суворков_Табл._4.png, 453 Kb) [Скачать]

Таблица 5 Отношение разных возрастных групп к введённому запрету на ввоз отдельных видов продовольствия и сельскохозяйственной продукции из стран Евросоюза (Суворков_Табл._5.png, 3 Kb) [Скачать]

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