Psychological versatility of patriotism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: FSBUN Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 № 6

The results obtained by investigations of patriotism conducted in psychology as well as in associated disciplines are under analysis. Such empirical studies have demonstrated that until recently the level of patriotism in our society had not been high. But from the beginning of 2014 the renascence of patriotic moods is observable, though the expression of patriotic feelings of the majority of Russian people is of the “moderate” character. “The binding of patriotism to everyday life”: to the forms of activity, beneficial for our society and their priority over “symbolic” forms of patriotism are also detected. The “critical patriotism” based on the combination of love for the Motherland with negative attitudes to power bodies and their policy, the internal one in particular, state and social institutions is also widespread among our compatriots. Patriotism can take different forms, and despite the fact that its background is formed by the love for Motherland, it is hardly possible to draw out some universal “formula of patriotism”. Empirical investigations prove the complex, multidimensional structure of patriotism. “Action-oriented” variant of patriotism is less spread in our country than an “abstract-meditative” one. It is also observed the splitting of the objects of patriotic feelings – our country and our state in its modern condition – with the much better attitude towards the first one. It is demonstrated that there are two poles of consolidation of the modern Russia society on the patriotic grounds. At one pole the consolidation bears a “negative” character of a “protective” consolidation against external threat. At the extreme the consolidation is accomplished on the “values grounds” – visions of risks inside Russia and not outside its boundaries. The factors influencing the level of patriotic moods are also under analysis.

Keywordspatriotism, main forms, Russian people, mass consciousness, love for the Motherland, patriotic feelings, objects, society, state, structure, factors
AcknowledgmentThe article is prepared under support of RSF, grant № 14-18-03271.
Publication date22.12.2018
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