Moscow psychological Institute named after L. G. Shchukin in the correspondence of G. I. Chelpanov and E. Titchener (1910-1924)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Ph.D. (history), Associate Professor
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 39 №5

The article is devoted a problem of formation and existence of experimental psychology in Russia in 1910–1920. It appeals to the documents of the Moscow psychological Institute in this period: the Russian-American correspondence by Georgy I. Tschelpanow and Edward B. Titchener (1910, 1924); the note by Georgy I. Tschelpanow “About the fate of the Moscow psychological Institute since World war I and the cessation of ties with America” (1924); the note by Edward B. Titchener on the work of the experimental laboratory at the Psychological Institute and Princeton University (1924). The article consists of an introductory and the publishing documents. In the introductory comments the author analyzes documents, which were explored in the Department of rare and manuscript collections Cornell University and Scientific research Department of manuscripts of Russian state library; investigates the facts of the Russian-American correspondence by Tschelpanow and Titchener, restoring the historic circumstances of documents (the emergence of experimental psychology in Psychological Institute, the dynamics of its work in an time of revolutionary change, the increasing behavioral trends – reflexology, reactology, etc). The English documents are published in translation into Russian language. Publication of the documents is accompanied by a legend, which describes the appearance of the manuscript and its current location. 


Keywordshistory of science, G.I. Chelpanov, E.B. Titchener, Psychological Institute, Cornell University, laboratories, experiment, reflexology, reactology, subjective method, interdisciplinary research.
AcknowledgmentThe study was supported by RHSF, a2 № 16-31-01079. I thank Tabitha Cary, Reference Specialist & Reproductions Coordinator, Division of Rare & Manuscript Collections Cornell University for background information and coordinate transfer photos manuscripts
Publication date02.11.2018
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