Actual Methods for Detecting Hidden Information

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 43 Issue 1

An untrained person's ability to detect lies in other people's statements fluctuates at the level of random guessing. At the same time, as studies show, a significant number of applicants for vacancies, as well as people on remand, hide information in order to achieve their own goals. Currently, various methods of detecting lies are used in practice: contact and non-contact polygraph, graphology, profiling, voice analyzer, etc. In addition, there is a large class of actively developing methods (EEG, fMRI, spectroscopy, etc.), which in the future will be able to be used in practice. Moreover, each of the existing methods is based on a different methodological basis, and also uses an inductive or deductive model for describing the discovered phenomena, which is expressed in different efficiency. This article provides an overview of the methods of lie detection with a comparison of their effectiveness and prospects for use.

Keywordslie detection, polygraph, profiling, graphology, eye movement tracker, voice analysis, electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging
Publication date01.03.2022
Number of characters15863
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