Processual approach: stability and variability as a foundation of wholeness

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of Personality Psychology Department
Affiliation: St. Petersburg state University
Address: Sankt-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, nab. Makarova, 6
Occupation: Head of Personality Psychology Department
Affiliation: St. Petersburg state University
Address: St. Petersburg, nab. Makarova, 6
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 42 issue 3

The problem of the ratio of stability and variability of personality is one of the key problems in psychological science. The article discusses the methodological consequences of theory of non-equilibrium state for understanding the processual nature of personality and the variability of psychological phenomenology. A feature of the personality as a complex system is its own ability to change. This feature is associated with its subjectivity. It is proposed to use the concept of wholeness to explain the dynamics of stability and variability of personality. The wholeness of personality is the maintenance in equilibrium of the interacting tendencies towards stability and variability of personality. The main characteristic of wholeness is its integrality, which appears at different levels of personal phenomenology and, accordingly, requires integral concepts to describe it. Such an integral psychological concept as the concept of style can be used as a basic concept: it is precisely style as a way of human interaction with the outside world that is necessarily endowed with a certain stability and ability to change. Thereby the style is ensuring the integrity of functioning of the individual in the context of its existence. According to the understanding of multidimensionality of the world, the different contexts of human existence are distinguished. To describe the functioning of a person in a situational context, at the level of his/her interaction with the situation in psychology the concept of an individual style of activity is used; in a life context the concept of a life style is used. In an existential context it is used the concept of existential models which are the style characteristic of a person's relationship with the world. The styles being associated with existence and activity of a person in the different contexts ensure the wholeness of his/her functioning. In accordance with the processual nature of personality, its dynamics should be described in three-dimensional space of the vectors of stability and variability, the resulting of which is the wholeness of personality.

Keywordsprocessual nature of personality, stability, variability, wholeness, style characteristics
Publication date12.06.2021
Number of characters39637
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