Attachment in children with experience of institutionalization Part II. Living in substitute families

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor, head of child and parent mental health and early intervention division at department of psychology
Affiliation: St. Petersburg University
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Occupation: Graduate student at division of child and parent mental health and early intervention at department of psychology
Affiliation: St. Petersburg state University
Address: Universitetskaya Emb., 7–9
Occupation: Junior researcher at division of child and parent mental health and early intervention at department of psychology
Affiliation: St. Petersburg state University
Address: Universitetskaya Emb., 7–9
Occupation: associate professor at the department of pedagogical psychology
Affiliation: Adyghe State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 41 Issue 6

Despite significant changes in the national system of care for children left without parental care and growth of the number of children in substitute families, little has been published in Russia on attachment in children with experience of institutionalization transferred to substitute (foster, adoptive) families. Presented in the previous issue of this journal part 1 of the work was aimed to review research articles on attachment in institutionalized children. The aim of the part 2 is to analyze the peer reviewed publications of studies regarding attachment and associated factors in children living in substitute (foster and adoptive) families. Observational assessments showed that children with experience of institutionalization living in substitute families showed more attachment security and less disorganization than children in institutions. Such positive changes in attachment types distribution depend on several factors, especially - the age of transition from institution to substitute family. Further research is needed in the Russian Federation on children with institutional experience including research on implementation of evidence-based intervention programs in domestic substitute families.

KeywordsAttachment, children, institutional experience, substitute family, evidence-based intervention programs
AcknowledgmentFunding: The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-113-50402\19.
Publication date27.11.2020
Number of characters25853
100 rub.
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