Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor, head of child and parent mental health and early intervention division at department of psychology
Affiliation: St. Petersburg University
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Occupation: associate professor at the department of pedagogical psychology
Affiliation: Adyghe State University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Senior researcher, laboratory of information technologies and mathematical simulation
Affiliation: Pavlov Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Science
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 issue 3

The study is aimed to examine manifestations of the attachment disorder behaviors in children with institutional experience living in substitute families, before and after the program of psychological support, in comparison with the behavior of children in families of biological parents depending on disability status and the degree of participation of substitute families in the program. The group of children in substitute families comprised 201 people (108 typical, 93 with disabilities, the age before the program – 4–10.5 years, after — 5–12 years), in biological families — 125 (65 typical, 60 with disabilities, age of assessment — 4.5–13.5 years). The support program consisted of 4 stages of activities directed to promote interaction between children and substitute caregivers and attachment development in children. The Attachment Disorder Сhecklist was used in the longitudinal study with an interval of about 17 months to assess the negative manifestations of attachment behaviors. The results show that for groups of typical children and children with disabilities in substitute families the mean group values of the attachment behaviors’ negative manifestations decrease after the support program in general and at the maximum and average, but not at the minimum degree of participation. After the program the mean group values of the negative manifestations in foster children is higher than in children in biological families, both in the group of typical children (for the total score and all areas) and children with disabilities (for the total score, in the social and emotional areas); the differences between children in substitute and biological families reduce with the increase of participation in the program. The results are discussed from the perspective of  theoretical and empirical research data on effects of interaction and attachment based intervention programs on the behavior of children with institutional experience.


Keywordschildren, typical and disabled, institutional experience, substitute family, attachment behavior, psychological support program
Publication date25.04.2019
Number of characters29839
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