Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: senior research scientist, Laboratory of Psychophysiology named after V. B. Shvyrkov
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Science
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: leading research scientist, Laboratory of Psychophysiology named after V. B. Shvyrkov
Affiliation: Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: post-graduate student
Affiliation: State Academic University of Humanities
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Clinical psychologist, Department of Outpatient Psychiatry and Organization of Psychiatric Care
Affiliation: Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Leading specialist of information and analytical Department
Affiliation: Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 2

The study is focused on the problem of existence of prototype form (replicator) for development of new psychological structures relevant to subject fields newly acquiring by individual. Participants of the study were 158 Ss: 118 – from population sample, 40 Ss were outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Ss acquired competence in two subject fields: “Chess Knight Move” (problem solving of 48 tasks) and strategic game of two partners «Tic-Tac-Toe on the board of 15×15». Ss fulfilled “Spatial Orientation Test” and of “Mental Rotation Test”, and they also were asked to fill questionnaires “Motivational Structure of Personality” and “Self-Regulation Style”. Affinity of organization of psychological structures related to different subject fields were found; evolutionary trajectories of psychological structures are mutually homeomorphic because they are originated initially by replication of common self-similar and fractal structure-ancestor developed previously, and then – as a product of their self-replication. The characteristics of heterogeneous semantic network specific for patients were revealed. Main properties of non-planar constituents of the heterogeneous semantic networks describing psychological structures were found as well as a role of homeomorphism between non-planar constituents of psychological structures and organization of tests’ tasks in course of search of correct decisions. It was substantiated the hypothesis that stability and commonalities of different individual-psychological properties result from genetical affinity of psychological structures relevant to various subject fields.

Keywords psychological structure, subject field, population sample, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, individual-psychological properties, heterogeneous semantic network, self-similarity, non-planar graphs, auto-replication, differentiation.
AcknowledgmentThe study was supported by the Russian Science Foudation grant #14-28-00229, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Publication date25.03.2019
Number of characters50247
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