PII | S013122270024694-4-1 |
DOI | 10.20542/0131-2227-2023-67-1-128-138 |
Publication type
Authors |
Affiliation: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO)
Address: 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
Journal name | Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia |
Edition | Volume 67 Issue 1 |
Pages | 128-138 |
Abstract | The article presents the members of a renewed team formed by the academician Alexander Dynkin who headed IMEMO at the end of 2006. First of all, it is referred to his Deputies who supervised certain areas of research conducted at the Institute. Each of them was assigned with a specific area of work. Some Deputies simultaneously headed research centers or departments. The Director and his Deputies made up the Directorate of IMEMO, which also included the Scientific Secretary of the Institute and the heads of the main departments. At regular meetings of the Directorate, issues of the Institute’s current activities were discussed, finished works were approved for publication, the topics of scientific reports were outlined at the Academic Council, and plans for the proceedings of IMEMO were drawn up. The academician Natalya Ivanova and Ivan Korolev, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, were responsible for economic issues at the IMEMO Directorate. In 2013, I. Korolev was substituted as Deputy Director by Alexei Kuznetsov, a corresponding member of RAS, who simultaneously headed the Center for European Studies. Along with the academician A. Dynkin, the academician N. Ivanova as the first Deputy Director was responsible for the general state of affairs at the Institute. Usually it was her who substituted the Director during his absence – vacation or foreign business trip. The issue of international political research was under the charge of another Deputy Director – Vladimir Baranovsky, a corresponding member of RAS (since 2011 – an academician). Vasily Mikheev, a corresponding member of RAS (since 2016 – an academician) succeded Gennady Chufrin (who became an Advisor to the Russian Academy of Sciences) and became another Deputy Director for scientific work. V. Mikheev was responsible for managing the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, supervising the Center for Modern Japan Studies and the Center for Development and Modernization. The IMEMO Directorate has successfully united political researchers and economists representing three generations – older, middle and young. Alexander Dynkin himself defined this team as a “platform” on which he intended to carry out the transformations he had conceived. The article traces the biographies of these researchers and organizers of science, shows the process of their professional growth, scientific achievements and their contribution to the development of IMEMO. Each of them is a prominent researcher in his field, having a high reputation in the international scientific and expert community. It was fundamentally important that they all acted together as a team of like-minded people, which in many respects ensured the high efficiency of work in IMEMO, the most influential think tank in Russia in the area of the modern world development |
Keywords | RAS, IMEMO, MGIMO University, Directorate, team, Dynkin, Ivanova, Baranovsky, Mikheev, Korolev, Kuznetsov |
Received | 03.03.2023 |
Publication date | 03.03.2023 |
Number of characters | 40679 |