“Regulations on Religious Activity” of 2018 in China

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Researcher at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, RAS
Affiliation: IFES RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

In February 2018, China adopted a new “Regulation on religious activity”. It touches upon a large number of aspects of the religious sphere, imposing significant restrictions on the communities of believers. The document is aimed at combating the growth of religiosity in society and limiting religious activity outside the existing communities. Unofficial communities of believers, which for decades collectively outnumbered the adherents of official religious communities belonging to pro-state patriotic associations, are under attack. 

Keywords“Regulations on religious activity”, religious politics, religious schools, priests, religious activities, sinification of religions, freedom of religion, United front
Publication date06.11.2018
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