About the New Concept of National Security of Japan

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Department of Oriental Studies; Leading Researcher of
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University)
Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, RAS
Address: 76, Vernadskogo Prospect, Moscow, 119454, Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 2

The article analyzes new moments in Japan's national security policy introduced by the documents which have been adopted by the Japanese cabinet in December 2022 — National Security Strategy, National Defense Program Guidelines and Medium Term Defense Program. The main attention is paid to the depiction of the external security environment, and above all to the assessment of China and Russia as the countries of greatest concern from the point of view of security policy. Noting that the documents do not use the term "threat" in China's assessment, the author concludes that Japan takes a more cautious position than the United States, trying not to be drawn into a confrontation between superpowers. As for Russia, the greatest alarmism is expressed not in relation to its policy as such, but in relation to its potential blocking with China on an anti—Japanese basis — the main "nightmare" for Tokyo.

The article considers the issue of the "counter-offensive" missile potential provided for by the new strategy, which would allow Japan to strike at the enemy from a remote distance in the event of a direct threat to its security. The acquisition of such a potential has become particularly relevant for Japan in connection with the development of missile technologies of neighboring "hostile" countries — the DPRK and the PRC, as well as the general progress of missile weapons in the world, including the hypersonic ones. As part of the new approach, it is planned to create an integrated air and missile defense system that combines the capabilities of intercepting enemy missiles and counterattacking on strategic and military enemy targets.


An important change in the security policy will also be the acute increase in defense spending declared by the documents under review. The biggest problem lies in the unresolved issue of the financial sources of the defense budget, which must ensure the implementation of the adopted strategy.

KeywordsJapan, National Security Strategy, Medium Term Defense Program, strategic security challenge, “counterstrike” capabilities, attack on enemy bases, 1% GDP ceiling for annual defense spending
AcknowledgmentThis research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant number 19-18-00142П).
Publication date06.05.2023
Number of characters47884
100 rub.
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