The role of the Russian Imperial Consulate in Nyuzhuang (Yingkou) in expanding trade and economic ties between Russia and China from 1906 to 1909.

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Russian History RAS
Address: 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 1

The article describes the activities of the Imperial Consulate of Russia in Niuzhuang (Yingkou) during the period from 1906 till 1909. One of the priorities of the work of Russian diplomats at that time was the restoration of Russian-Chinese trade and economic relations as the part of the social and cultural policy in South Manchuria. A young diplomat, consul Andrey Terentyevich Belchenko, played a special role in expanding the commercial contacts between Russian and Chinese players. Thanks to the assistance of the Imperial Consulate, the problems associated with the local branch of the Russian-Chinese Bank for the return of allocated funds were resolved. Paying great attention to the promotion of the Russian manufactory in Niuzhuang (Yingkou), Consul Belchenko ordered assistance in this abrupt return of “The company Vikula Morozov with Sons”, “Ivan Konovalov with Son”, “Manufactory of N.N. Konshina "and others. Having visited at the beginning of 1908 Harbin, the Russian consul in Yingkou, had negotiations with Russian merchants who had big business problems due to the consequences of the Russian-Japanese War. In the spring of the same year, Harbin entrepreneurs came to Niuzhuang and made contacts with Chinese partners on the realization of the flour and oil industry. The Imperial Consulate, despite the high competition of the parties with foreign companies (Great Britain, Japan, Germany, etc.), actively promoted the Russian trading company in the inexpensive market, and by the end of 1909, the sale of domestic goods exceeded the pre-war level. The shipping traffic of Russian transport was also restored, which became regular since 1908.

KeywordsYingkou, AT Belchenko, Russian-Chinese trade and economic relations, consulate, Russian-Chinese Bank, manufactory, merchants
AcknowledgmentThis research was supported by Russian Science Foundation, project no.22-28-00858 («Russian diplomats in China (2nd half of the 19th — early 20th centuries): political and socio-cultural dimensions»), URL:
Publication date17.03.2023
Number of characters46605
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