"Jumping Out of the Historical Cycle" and Building a New Ideology at the Twentieth Congress of CCP.

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Research Scholar, China Department
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 12, Rozhdestvenka str., Moscow, 107301, Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 6

The contents of CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping report to the CPC XXth Party congress is analyzed in the article. The conclusion is made that the core thesis around which the report and the strategy that are reflected in it, are organized around the idea of the possibility and the necessity of “jumping out of the history circle that leads toward decline of the state“ by undertaking the “revolution toward to oneself” by the Communist Party. During the the construction of new system of power the conscious effort of Xi Jinping is made that has three main goals: first of all, to fine-tune the system of control over party — state apparatus from below, from the “masses of people”, second, to execute the course for “governing of the Party with utmost rigidity”, according to which a severe struggle has to be waged against corruption and decay of the ruling elite and the third one — creation of the comprehensive ideological system that has to legitimize the right of the existing party — bureaucratic elite to rule over the country. When building of this system Xi Jinping is attempting to utilize the core elements of the old Chinese ideology of governing, as well as the ideas if Mao Zedong, theoretical legacy of Deng Xiaoping, “important ideas of “three represents” of Jiang Zemin and “the scientific concept of development” of Hu Jintao. By doing this Xi Jinping is striving to create new governing elite, armed with relatively complicated theory and specific language of government, that has to legitimize their right to rule in the eyes of the “broad masse of the people”.

KeywordsXXth party Congress, jumping out of the historic circle, the revolution (of the party) directed toward oneself, construction of power ideology, “the ideas of Xi Jinping during the new era”
Publication date20.12.2022
Number of characters55733
100 rub.
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