The Role and Place of Culture in Sino-Iranian Relations

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Lecturer, Department of Oriental Languages
Affiliation: Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
Address: 53/2, building 1, Ostozhenka Str., Moscow, 119201, Russian Federation
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Oriental Languages
Affiliation: The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address: 53/2, building 1, Ostozhenka Str., Moscow, 119201, Russian Federation
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 4

In the modern era of globalization, culture has become an important indicator of the total power of the state, and also began to act as a decisive force in the relationship between actors and the system of international relations. China and Iran are the birthplace of ancient oriental civilizations, have long-term cultural exchanges, which are the basis and conditions for cultural interaction between the two countries. 2021 has become an important milestone in Sino-Iranian relations. The countries celebrated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and signed an agreement on comprehensive strategic cooperation for 25 years. Cultural cooperation between China and Iran goes back centuries during the Han Dynasty, when the Chinese traveler Zhang Qian opened the Great Silk Road, which became an important channel of communication and friendship between the peoples of China and Iran. At present, “One Belt, One Road” is not only a way of economic and trade cooperation, but also a means of cultural exchange. Today, Sino-Iranian cultural relations are a dynamic process. There are several mechanisms for cultural cooperation such as the “China-Iran Friendship Association Annual Meeting” and the “China-Iran Cultural Dialogue”. The countries closely cooperate through women’s and other specialized creative organizations, interact in the field of cinema, youth exchanges, and are also engaged in the popularization and teaching of the Persian language in China and the Chinese language in Iran.

KeywordsChina, Iran, Sino-Iranian relations, cultural diplomacy, “soft power”, comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement, “One Belt, One Road”
Publication date01.09.2022
Number of characters42396
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