Model of rank recognition reflection of the enemy in the tasks of countering

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Military educational and scientific Сentre "Naval Academy"
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Military educational and scientific Сentre
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameMatematicheskoe modelirovanie
EditionVolume 30 Number 8

Basic mathematical decision models based on the decision of some tasks of optimization in the assumption of rationality of participants. Actors seek to anticipate the opponent's choice of interaction and choose the best response to it. Within mathematical logic, this task is a task recognition with presence of classifying signs to determine the rank of the reflection of participants during the conflict. In this paper, we consider a mathematical model based on apparatus of mathematical logic for determining the rank of reflection of the enemy in the tasks of countering.

Keywordsmathematical model, mathematical logic, objective recognition, classification task, necessary conditions, sufficient conditions, reflective analysis, rank of reflection
Publication date04.10.2018
Number of characters629
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