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12. Hrushchev N.S. Stroitel'stvo kommunizma v SSSR i razvitie sel'skogo hozyajstva (The construction of communism in the Soviet Union and the development of agriculture). Vol. 1. Moscow, 1962. (In Russ.)
13. Yan Shushen. Mekhanizm social'noj mobilizacii kitajskih rabochih v 1950 gody (The mechanism of social mobilization of Chinese workers in the 1950s). Kitajskie rabochie v SSSR: opyt antropologicheskogo osmysleniya: sb. materialov mezhdu-nar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (g. Perm', 14–15 maya 2015 g.) / otv. red. M.S. Kamenskih. Perm: Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy, 2015. (In Russ.)
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17. 宁艳红: “新时期俄罗斯远东地区中国人现状调查与研究” (Ning Yanho. Preliminary study of the current situation of the Chinese in the Russian Far East) // 学术交流. 2018年。
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