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1. Gemeinsam für Deutschland – mit Mut und Menschlichkeit. Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und SPD. Berlin, 11.11.2005. 130 p. Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
2. Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und FDP. Wachstum. Bildung. Zusammenhalt. 17. Berlin, Legislaturperiode, 2009. 132 p. Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
3. Opros: nemtsy skeptichno smotryat na Rossiyu. Detsche Welle, 18.09.2008. [Poll: Germans are skeptical about Russia. Detsche Welle, 18.09.2008. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
4. Zholkver N. Pochemu v Germanii stalo men'she druzej Rossii? Detsche Welle, 17.09.2013. [Zholkver N. Why are there fewer friends of Russia in Germany? Detsche Welle, 17.09.2013. (In Russ.)] Available at:'she-druzej-rossii/a-17094775 (accessed 11.04.2021).
5. Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und SPD. Deutschlands Zukunft gestalten. 18. Berlin, Legislaturperiode, 2013. 185 p. Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
6. Varkentin A. Opros: kak menyaetsya otnoshenie nemtsev k Rossii na fone ukrainskogo krizisa. Detsche Welle, 17.04.2014. [Varkentin A. Poll: how the attitude of Germans to Russia is changing against the background of the Ukrainian crisis. Detsche Welle, 17.04.2014. (In Russ.)] Available at: -otnoshenie-nemtsev-k-rossii-na-fone-ukrainskogo-krizisa/a-17573406 (accessed 03.02.2021).
7. Weißbuch zur Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Zukunft der Bundewehr, 2016. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Hrsg. Berlin, Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, 2016. 143 p. Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
8. Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und SPD. Ein neuer Aufbruch für Europa. Eine neue Dynamik für Deutschland. Ein neuer Zusammenhalt für unser Land. 19. Berlin, Legislaturperiode, 2018. 177 p. Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
9. Gurkov A. Vneshnyaya torgovlya Germanii: malen'kaya Vengriya skoro obgonit bol'shuyu Rossiyu. Detsche Welle, 26.02.2020. [Gurkov A. German foreign trade: small Hungary will soon overtake big Russia. Detsche Welle, 26.02.2020. (In Russ.)] Available at:'kaya-vengriya-skoro-obgonit-bol'shuyu-rossiyu/a-52528244 (accessed 20.03.2020).
10. Zholkver N. Rossiya dlya Berlina i ES ne prioritet, prioritet – Kitaj. Detsche Welle, 28.05.2020. [Zholkver N. Russia is not a priority for Berlin and the EU, China is a priority. Detsche Welle, 28.05.2020. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 30.05.2020).
11. Gurkov A. Nemetskij biznes v Rossii: moglo by byt' khuzhe, no luchshe poka tozhe ne stanet. Detsche Welle, 10.12.2020. [Gurkov A. German business in Russia: it could be worse, but it won't get better yet. Detsche Welle, 10.12.2020. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 30.05.2020).
12. Demidova O. Ob'em torgovli Germanii s Rossiej upal do urovnya 2005 goda. Detsche Welle, 19.02.2021. [Demidova O. The volume of trade between Germany and Russia fell to the level of 2005. Detsche Welle, 19.02.2021. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 30.03.2021).
13. Vystuplenie i otvety na voprosy SMI Ministra inostrannykh del Rossijskoj Federatsii S.V. Lavrova v khode sovmestnoj press-konferentsii s Ministrom inostrannykh del KNR Van I. Gujlin', 23 marta 2021 g. [Speech and answers to media questions by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a joint press conference with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Guilin, March 23, 2021. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 29.03.2021).
14. Nemetskie ehlity vzyali kurs na Rossiyu? Oko planety, 19.05.2018. [Have the German elites set a course for Russia? Oko Planet, 19.05.2018. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 09.04.2021).
15. Armin Laschet über die Kanzlerkandidatur, Corona und Russland. Frankfurter Allgemeine, 22.01.2021. Available at: inland/armin-laschet-ueber-die-kanzlerkandidatur-corona-und-russland-17160064.html (accessed 29.03.2021).
16. Problemy s demokratiej est' ne tol'ko u Rossii. Prem'er Bavarii vystupil protiv ostanovki SP-2. Russkij dozor, 13.09.2020. [It is not only Russia that has problems with democracy. The Prime Minister of Bavaria opposed the stop of the SP-2. Russkii dozor, 13.09.2020. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 11.04.2021).
17. On, kazhetsya, nedostatochno nenavidit Rossiyu. Lider “Zelenykh” o glave KhDS. EurAsia Daily, 20.01.2021. [He doesn't seem to hate Russia enough. The leader of the "Greens" on the head of the CDU. EurAsia Daily, 20.01.2021. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 13.04.2021).
18. Pravyaschaya v Germanii partiya vystupila za oblegchenie vizovogo rezhima s RF. RIA Novosti, 02.03.2021. [The ruling party in Germany called for easing the visa regime with the Russian Federation. RIA News, 02.03.2021. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 05.04.2021).
19. Romashenko S. V Germanii prizvali k moratoriyu na “Severnyj potok-2”. Detsche Welle, 24.01.2021. [Romashenko S. Germany has called for a moratorium on “Nord Stream 2”. Detsche Welle, 24.01.2021.] Available at: (accessed 25.01.2021).