Governmental Forums with International Participation as a Foreign Policy Tool: the Experience of Russia and the North-East Asia Countries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Assistant of the Japanese and Russian languages Department
Affiliation: Qingdao Binhai University
Address: 425, Jialingjiang West Road, Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shandong Province, 266555, China
Occupation: Associated Professor, Department of International Relations
Affiliation: Far Eastern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 6

The article examines the phenomenon of a government forum with international participation. Using the example of the Asian Economic Forum in Boao, the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok and the Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity, we analyzed the foreign policy meaning of such forums, identified their general and specific features, and defined this phenomenon. The East Asian case seems especially representative in the study of government forums, since the lack of trust and numerous historical, ideological, military, economic and other tensions make it difficult to create a regional intergovernmental organization similar to the European Union. The methodology of our research is «generalist realism», which considers the growth of supranational organizations in the 21st century quite logical. It is due to the desire of countries to facilitate cooperation, although it is carried out in the interests of any great power. It is concluded that the growing interest of national governments in this format of diplomacy is due to three factors. First, the host country expects to have a decisive influence on the formation of the agenda, the course of discussions, the preparation of possible political agreements, that is to create a new international institution under its control. Secondly, the host country seeks to expand economic cooperation and attract foreign investment, because most of these forums are called economic. It is extremely difficult to trace the correlation between investments and forums, but it seems incorrect to completely deny it, because forums with the participation of senior political figures and major businessmen increase the recognition of the host location. Thirdly, the host country is trying to improve its international image through forums, which directly depends on the political and economic status of the participants and the significance of the problems on the forum's agenda.

KeywordsNorth-East Asia, Russian Far East, international forum, foreign policy, diplomacy
AcknowledgmentThe reported study was funded by RFBR and CASS, project number 20-511-93005 «The development of the Russia-China strategic partnership in East Asia».
Publication date16.12.2021
Number of characters34899
100 rub.
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