The History of the Dzungars and Some Collections of the Manchu Archives of the PRC

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
Affiliation: Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov
Address: Russian Federation, Elista
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 2

The article reviews the situation with the Manchu archival documents of PRC, which reflects information on the history of the Zunghar Khanate. The First Historical Archive in Beijing. The Archive has a huge number of the first-hand sources on the history of Qing-Zunghar relations, and in this regard, the author pays attention to some collections of the archive of Grand Council (Junjichu), namely the collections of the Yishi dang archive (“Foreign Embassies”), and “Aocha dang” (“Archive (on) the “boiling of tea” (to the monasteries in Tibet)”). The appearance of new information on the history of Oirats must do much to spur interest in and use of the Manchu archives. Thus, the further in-depth study of Chinese and Manchu materials on the history of Oirats from the archives of China and Taiwan is highly relevant. The article is based on factual material with foreign sources, which are not available in the Russian literature.

KeywordsGrand Council, Qianlong Emperor, Galdan-Tseren, Zunghar Khanate
AcknowledgmentThe article was carried out with the support of the KalmGU intra-university grant No. 1118 "Dzungarian heritage and border areas of the Qing empire and Russia in Central Asia".
Publication date05.05.2021
Number of characters30071
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