Rural China on the Eve of the 70th Anniversary of the PRC: Final Battle for Xiaokang

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5(1)

The article deals with the latest Chinese measures to finally complete the strategic program of building a normal prosperous society, particularly in rural areas on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the PRC. It analyses a new policy course “for primary development of agriculture and rural areas” announced recently to speed up completion of the work assigned and solution of problems connected with the “Xiaokang program”. This is the main driving force to intensify rural development and progress at the time, to provide priority material, financial and political support in order to complete the “Xiaokang program” and to supply favorable institutional conditions for socio-economic development of rural China.

Keywords“Xiaokang”, priority development, income gap, basic social services, poverty liquidation, resource distri-bution, integrated development of city and rural areas
Publication date05.12.2019
Number of characters63331
100 rub.
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1. . For more details see: Boni L. Construction of a middle-class society "xiaokan" in the village of China // Asia and Africa Today, 2017. No. 12.

2. . GSU PRC. 08/31/2018. URL: ztjc / ztfx / ggkf40n / 2018/08 / t20180831_1620079.html.

3. . For 2014–2016 the average net disposable per capita income of the country's population as a whole decreased by 1.7 percentage points, including in the city by 1.2 percentage points, and in the village by as much as 3.0 percentage points If in 2014 in the village income growth rates amounted to 9, 2%, which is 2.4 percentage points higher than in the city, in 2016 they amounted to only 6.2%, which is only 0.6 percentage points. higher than those of the townspeople; in 2017 - ahead of the growth rate of incomes of peasants 0.8 percentage points, in 2018 1.0 percentage points (according to the GSU PRC).

4. . Zhang Xiaoshan. Zuohao “san nun” gongzu jian chi nunye nongcun yuxian fazzhan: [It is good to work on san nun, to promote the priority development of agriculture and the village] // People's Daily. 02/25/2019.

5. . GSU PRC, 2018, 2019

6. . Li Anqiang Jiefang Neishu Qianli Zengqiang Fazhan Dongli: [Unleash the potential of domestic consumption, strengthen the driving forces of development] // Renmin Wang. 03/15/219. URL: http: // finance. people. n1 / 2019/0315 / c1004-30977028.html.

7. . Document No. 1, 2019. Zhongong Zhongyang Guoyuan Guanyu Jianchi Nongye Nunchun Yuxian Fazhan Zohao “San Nun” Guzzo de Zhogan Ijian: [Some opinion of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council of the PRC on the decisive implementation of priority rural development work in rural development ]. URL: http: // politics. n1 / 2019/02019 / c1001-30806166.html.

8. . In the same place.

9. . Du Zhisyun, Shao Liangliang. “Jianchi Nune Nongcun Yuxian Fajjan” de Jungyao Ii Ji Shixian Lutzing: [Importance and Ways to Implement the Course on Priority Development of Agriculture and Village] // (C) 1994–2019 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. URL: http // www / // rdi_cssn_jjcg / 20190419449237731306.pdf.

10. . Speech by Xi Jinping at the meeting of the Politburo on the 8th collective study. Ba xiangcun zhengxing zhanlyue zuo wei xin shidai “san nun” guongzo zong zhuzhashou: [Make the strategy of raising the village a key link in the work on “sannun” in the new era] // Tsushi. 2018. 09.21.

11. . In the same place.

12. . Han Zhangfu. Jianchi Nongye Nongcun Yixian Fazhan gave Shishi Xiangcun Zhengxing Zhanliue: [Decisively implement the priority development of agriculture, the village, vigorously promote the strategy of raising the village]. URL: V20 / SC / jjps / 201904 / t20190402_6366732.htm.

13. . Liu Yongfu. Erlin Erlin Nian Pinkunhu Topin Shouzhu Yao da 4,000 yuan: [In 2020, the income of households who parted from poverty should be 4,000 yuan]. URL: n1 / 2019/0308 / c1004-30964216.html.

14. . In the same place.

15. . Zhang Xiaoshan. Dec.

16. . Jiang Kezhong, Liu Shenglong. Shouzhu Jiegou, Shouuu bu pingdeng yu nongcun jiatin kick: [Income structure, unequal income and family poverty in the village] // Zhongguo nongcun jingji. 2017. No. 8. P. 1, 13. URL: / SC / myyj / 201806 / t20180605_6165781 / htm /

17. . Wei Hawkai. Shishi xiangcun zhenxing zhanlyue de mubiao ji nandian: [Goals and problems of implementing the strategy of raising the village] // Zhongguo fazhan yanju. 2018. No. 1. P. 2–8. 1994–2018 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. URL:

18. . In the same place.

19. . Document No. 1, 2019. Zhonggun Zhuyang Guoyuan Guanyu Jianchi Nongye Nuncun Yuxian Fazhan Zohao “Sannun” Gunzo de Jogan Ijian: [Some opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the People's Republic of China on the decisive implementation of the priority rural development work]. URL: http: // politics. n1 / 2019/02019 / c1001-30806166.html.

20. . Xi Jinping zai chongqing kaocha bin zhuchi zhaokai juejie "liang bu chow san bajzheng" cloud wenti zotanhui: [Xi Jinping holds a meeting on the urgent issue of “two worries, three guarantees”] // Renmin jib. 04/18/2019. URL: n1 / 2019/0418 / c164113-31036319.html.

21. . Xi Jinping. Ba xiangcun zhengxing zhanliue zuo wei xin shidai “sannun” guongzo zong zhu-ashou: [Make the strategy of raising the village the centerpiece of all work on sannun in the new era]. Speech at the meeting of the Politburo of the 19th convocation on the 8th issue of collective study. 09/21/2018. Qushi. 06/01/2019.

22. . Zhang Xiaoshan. Decree. Op.

23. . See: Bonnie L.D. Reform of the agricultural product supply structure and the problem of China's food security // Problems of the Far East. 2016. No. 6. P. 94–107.

24. . Zhang Xiaoshan. Decree. Op.

25. . According to the State Statistics Service of China, the gross grain harvest in 2013 was 601.9 million tons, 2014 - 607.0 million tons, 2015 - 621.4 million tons, 2016 - 616.2 million tons, 2017 - 617.9 million t, 2018 - 657.89 million t

26. . Han Zhangfu. Decree. Op.

27. . The incomes of the rural population in China are formed from four main sources: 1) income from earnings, part of the wages of migrant workers in the city sent to the village to the parents; 2) income from the economic activity of the peasant household, i.e. from agriculture; 3) transferable income (subsidies for production); 4) property income, i.e. proceeds from bailing or onerous cession of his right to use collective land and other operations with property (land).

28. . Wei Hawkai. Dec.

29. . Chi Fulin. Weiyuan zhizhao nunye gungei tse gaige: panho tudi: [A member of the committee supports structural reform in the field of agricultural supply: revitalize the land]. URL: n1 / 2017/0303 / c1004-29120100.html.

30. . Wei Hawkai. Decree. Op.

31. . Document No. 1, 2019 ...

32. . Han Zhangfu. Decree. Op.

33. . Project proposed by President Xi Jinping.

34. . Document No. 1. 2019 ...

35. . In the same place.

36. . Han Zhangfu. Decree. Op.

37. . It is assumed that all the accumulated property of the collective economy in the village, having estimated its market value, is divided between the members of the collective economic organization in the form of a share or share as property income, which can be put into circulation as a unit right (assignment, pledge, etc.) to increase income .

38. . Han Zhangfu zhuchi zhaokai quanongo nongcun jichi chanquan ya chzhigu gaige buji lansi hui: [Han Zhangfu holds the second joint All-China meeting on the reform of the collective property law system in the village]. URL: V20 / ZX / tpxw / 201903 / t20190314_6355577.htm.

39. . Including: 1) carry out a valuation of collective property and create a mechanism for property management and control; 2) to expand the scope of experiments, including 10 more provinces, 30 cities, 200 counties in them, in order to cover experimentally up to 80% of all counties of the country; expand the work on registration of collective economic organizations in the village, so that by the end of 2019 up to 70% of their total number will be registered; 3) to study and make proposals on tax policy for its subsequent approval as an incentive for the development of a collective economy; actively search for ways of securing and guaranteeing a unit of peasants in collective property; 4) accelerate the preparations for the adoption of the law on collective economic organization in the village, approve the Rules of indicative collective economic organizations, expand the work on creating a system of financial and accounting in collective economic organizations of the village; 5) organize and launch an audit of the reform of the system of property rights to collective property in the village in the field, especially in terms of their completion of the valuation of property; promote reform on the ground, complete all “hard tasks”.

40. . Document of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council of the People's Republic of China dated 05/05/2019. Zhungong Zhongyang Guoyuan Guanyu Jianli Jiangquan Chengxian Ronghe Fazhan Tizhi ??Jizhi He Zhenze Tisi De Ijian: [Opinion on creating a healthy institutional mechanism for the integration of city and village]. URL: zhengce / 2019-05 / 05 / content_5388880.htm.

41. . In the same place.

42. . In the same place.

43. . Ji Yanan. Chengxian ronghe fazhan zefang zuida qianli: [The integration development of the city and the village frees up the greatest potential of the driving forces]. URL: http: // www / agri / cn / V20 / SC / jjps / 201905 / t20190507_6386702.htm.

44. . Han Zhangfu. Decree. Op.

45. . In the same place.

46. . In the same place.

47. . Document of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council of the PRC of 05/05/2019 ...

48. . In the same place.

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