Organic Modernization versus Informational Archaization

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute if Sociology RAS
Address: bld. 5, 24/35, Krzhizhanovskogo St., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 4

The article is aimed at the analysis of the controversies emerged in Russian humanities during first decade of the 2000s. The matter is the controversy between an idea of ‘organic modernization’ and ‘informational archaisation’ of Russian society because an unlimited informatisation has its own risks. The ‘organic modernization’ is understood here as dialectical balance between two world trends: a trans-nationalization (unification) and protection of a diversity of territorially-based nation-states. It will be a new transition period of human history burdened with social conflicts, hybrid wars, and mutual penetration of unifying and localizing trends. These shifts put a set of theoretical questions, namely: Is a point of irrevocability not already passed? What are the driving forces of the above transition and which resources are needed for it? How to overcome a resistance of adherents of resource-oriented and politically conservative part of the Russian population? The ‘organic modernization’ creators have to realize that our planet as a whole is turned into a sociobiotechnical system (the SBT-system), i.e. into a mighty social actor with its own regularities and risks; and for the modelling of an ‘organic modernization’ theory of Russia a problem-oriented and interdisciplinary turn of scientific institution is needed. And first of all, Russian social sciences have to overcome the ‘methodological hegemony’ of western-oriented models of human evolution. The article is concluded with the statement that the abovementioned transition is a highly risky enterprise.

Keywordsarchaization, conservatism, diversity, globalization, nation-state, organic modernization, scientific institutions, theory, the SBT-system, trans-nationalization, unification
Publication date17.08.2017
Number of characters1437
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