Socio-political crises and revolutions: the theoretical analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher, professor
Institute for Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of RAS
Novosibirsk State University, Philosophy Department
Address: 2, Pirogov st., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 1

An intermediate layer of revolution causes is singled out, along with triggering events and longterm structural factors. This layer includes challenges to rulers, elites and their responses, which, being inadequate, exacerbate the crisis and lead to a revolutionary situation. Factors of definite types affect each other and lead to a revolutionary situation which includes five main features: the fall of the loyalty of the enforcement machinery, the apparent split of elites, the delegitimizing of power, the presence of an attractive political alternative, and “combustible material” as a critical mass of people ready for an open protest fraught with repression. On the basis of the expansion of the A. Stinchcombe/s functional scheme the following phenomena are analyzed: the impact of economic growth on social instability, the long maturation of social tension and the rapid “explosion”, the inadequacy of regime’s responses in the aggravation of a conflict. 

Keywordssocial revolution, socio-political crisis, maturation of crises, revolutionary situation, launch events, structural causes of revolutions, challenges and answers, split of elites, delegitimizing of power
Publication date29.01.2018
Number of characters913
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