The ways of ensuring national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the process of interaction with international financial institutions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: chief researcher
Affiliation: Institute of market problems, RAS
Address: Uzbekistan
Affiliation: Tashkent State Economic University
Address: Uzbekistan
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 8

The authors analyze a set of measures aimed at the formation of the institutional basis for the integration of the economy of Uzbekistan into the global capital market, with regard to the five priorities for the development of the republic in the nearest future.  

New market mechanisms of currency, tax, budgetary, monetary and credit regulation are considered, as well as those stimulating the growth of the export potential, with a view of improving investment climate and business environment in the republic. 

The authors validate the need for enhanced cooperation with Russian and international financial institutions, with leading foreign companies and banks, and show the way to increase the efficiency of the foreign investments attracted. 

Keywordsliberalization of national economy, national interests, economic security, integration, investment climate, business environment, foreign investments, monetary policy, international financial institutions
Publication date16.10.2018
Number of characters742
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