Paradigmatic features of the development of institutional strategies for studying modern economy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Omsk Academy of Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Omsk
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 10

The article shows the limitations of the strategies for studying institutional economics, which have developed as a result of both the marginalist revolution and the emergence of the generally accepted dualistic paradigm. Within the framework of this paradigm, competing strategies actually use the utilitarian interpretation of economic motives for the economic actors' behavior as a “hard core”, and social phenomena as exogenous variables, by which different explanatory patterns of economic behavior are created. In the article the peculiarities of the development of a research paradigm are considered, that makes it possible to study the endogenous mechanisms of the development of a modern economy on the basis of an institutional approach.

Keywordsclassical paradigm, neoclassical paradigm, institutional theories, institutional economics
Publication date10.11.2022
Number of characters40361
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