The urban agglomeration: the concept, the development stages and mechanisms

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Center for Investment and Innovation Policy
Affiliation: Research economic institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus
Address: Belarus, Minsk
Occupation: Head of the Department of Economics and Management
Affiliation: Belarusian-Russian University (BRU)
Address: Belarus, Mogilev
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 8

The urbanization processes in many countries of the world are characterized by a high concentration of the population in the capitals and centers of the regions, which causes numerous problems, primarily the growth of interregional differentiation and the territorial imbalance of economic development. This actualizes the problem of managing agglomeration processes, the solution of which requires the presence of the theoretical base necessary for the development of methods and measures of regional policy.

The article develops the theoretical foundations for the formation and development of urban agglomerations, including the clarification of the notion, and describes their essential features. The periodization of the agglomeration growth is given, and the characteristics of its five main stages are revealed. The effects that arise in the process of urban agglomeration, which determine its impact on the economic and social development of the territories involved in the process, are shown and classified.

The author uses the methods of content analysis, grouping, comparative analysis, as well as the monographic, historical and scientific abstraction. The results of the study can be used by scientists and for the development of a methodological framework for agglomeration management, strategies, concepts, programs and projects of regional development.

Keywordsagglomeration, urbanization, agglomeration links, formation of agglomerations, deurbanization, satellite town, agglomeration boundaries, regional policy, socio-economic development, core-city
AcknowledgmentThe article has been prepared with the support of the Belarusian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of the scientific project No. G21-023 «Formation of urban agglomerations as drivers of regional development of the Republic of Belarus».
Publication date31.08.2022
Number of characters36996
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