Sustainable general social transformation as a path to progress

Publication type Article
Status Published
Institute of Economics, RAS
International Research Institute for Advanced Systems
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 1

The discussion article focuses on the fundamental issues of future sustainable progress. Taking into account the current global challenges, it seems appropriate to turn to the universal concept of systemic stability, the property inherent in one way or another to all social practices, and not limited to those that only reflect the interaction between society and the environment. In accordance with this concept, a realistic design of in-stitutional changes in conjunction with resource and organizational-behavioral changes required for sustainable development are intended to occur in the mainstream of a sys-temic general social transformation.

As follows from the above argumentation, the transition to a sustainable general social transformation is real in the case of a synergistic implementation of achievable funda-mental shifts.

Keywordssustainable progress, social system transformation, institutions; technological, demographic and climatic changes
Publication date25.01.2021
Number of characters41926
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