Eurasian integration in the context of national economic security

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Economics RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Principal Researcher
Affiliation: Market Economy Institute of RAS
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 4

The authors consider the various models and types of unions that are taking shape during the multi-speed Eurasian “integration of integrations”. New contours of the spatial structure of Greater Eurasia, the linking and structuring of the Eurasian economic space, are being examined. Proposals are substantiated for updating approaches to the Strategy for the socio-economic de-velopment of the CIS member countries and for building vectors of effective interaction with other country associations in the world.

KeywordsEurasian Integration, Commonwealth of Independent States, Development Strate-gies, Russian Priorities, National Economic Security
AcknowledgmentThis article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Re-search (RFBR) (research project No.18-010-00853 А)
Publication date06.05.2020
Number of characters37399
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