National security, strategic planning and budgeting problems in research and development

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Scientific Director of ISS RAS
Affiliation: Institute for the Study of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISS RAS)
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 10

With National Security Strategy and Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation in mind, and taking into account the provisions of the Federal law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation", the author examines the problems associated with financing research and development programs based on results-oriented budgeting.

The need for working out of an indicative planning system based on the interaction of economic, social and financial mechanisms is substantiated, which is a strategic necessity implying  multiplicative effect of science and technology.

Keywordsnational security, strategic planning, research and development, results-oriented budgeting, basic science, national innovation system.
Publication date30.10.2019
Number of characters30528
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