Napoleon on Saint Helena: Symbols of European Poetry of the 19th century

Publication type Article
Status Published
A. N. Kosygin Russian State University
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3

The article is devoted to the reflection of a part of the Napoleonic legend associated with the imprisonment and burial of Napoleon on the island of Saint Helena in European poetry. Analysis of the documents of the era (i.e. letters, diaries, memoirs) reveals a certain semantic complex that reflects the real geographical description of the island of Saint Helena (a rocky formation in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, far from the mainland), on the one hand, and a symbolic interpretation that treats Napoleon as Prometheus and as Christ, on the other. The comparison of Napoleon with Christ actualizes the theme of the Resurrection in cultural memory. It was embodied in poetry with the help of the symbolic images of “shadow” and “ghost”. In French poetry, also, the restoration of the statue of Napoleon on the Vendôme column in 1833 (works by E. Quinet, L. Belmonte, V. Hugo) was conceptualized as a kind of anticipation. The use of the “shadow” image made it possible to depict Napoleon as existing on the border of two worlds, the real and the beyond. This expectation of the resurrection was reflected in painting (A. Albrecht and O. Vernet). The transfer of his ashes from Saint Helena to the Parisian House of Invalids in December 1840 represented the symbolic embodiment of Napoleon's “resurrection”. The reburial was arranged as a military parade, a triumphal procession after the victory. The transfer of the ashes was perceived by European society as a “resurrection” (poems by L. Belmonte, V. Hugo, E. Quinet, K. Delavigne, G. Heine, and the Austrian J. Zedlitz, paintings by the artists O. Verne and V. Vankovich).

Keywords Napoleon, Prometheus, Christ, Saint Helena, Vendôme column, The Hôtel National des Invalides
Publication date01.05.2021
Number of characters50854
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