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1. Karpyuk S.G. Mozes Finli: dokumenty iz moskovskikh arkhivov. Beseda Finli s 3-m sekretarem sovetskogo posol'stva A.A. Ermolaevym [Moses Finley: Documents from Moscow archives] // Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History]. 2018. Vol. 78. № 1. P. 113–121. (In Russ.)
2. Karpyuk S.G. Perepiska Mozesa Finli s sovetskimi diplomatami, dekabr' 1942 – avgust 1943 g. [Moses Finley's correspondence with Soviet diplomats, December 1942 – August 1943] // Mnemon. Issledovaniia i publikatsii po istorii antichnogo mira [Mnemon. Research and publications on the history of the ancient world]. 2018. Vol. 18. № 2. P. 283–292. (In Russ.)
3. Kazakevich (Grace) E. M.I. Finley: a Note on His Life and Work // Vestnik drevney istorii [Journal of Ancient History]. 2016. Vol. 76. № 3. Р. 780–784. (In Russ.)
4. Poznyakov V.V. Amerikanskaia gumanitarnaia pomoshch' sovetskomu narodu (1941–1945) [American Humanitarian Relief to the Soviet People (1941–1945)] // Amerikanskii ezhegodnik [American Yearbook]. 1991. Moscow, 1992. P. 38–56. (In Russ.)
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6. Zharkov I.A. M. Finli i sovetskaia istoriografiia antichnoi istorii [Finley and the Soviet Historiography of Antiquity]. Irkutsk, 2008. (In Russ.)
7. Carter E.C. Russian War Relief // Slavonic and East European Review. American Series. 1944. Vol. 3. № 2. P. 61–74.
8. Finley M. Empire in the Greco-Roman World // Greece and Rome. 1975. Vol. 25. P 1–15.
9. Green K. Technological Innovation and Economic Progress in Ancient World // Economic History Review. 2000. Vol. 53. № 1. P. 29–59.
10. Moses Finley and Politics / Ed. W.V. Harris. Leiden – Boston, 2013.
11. Naiden F.S. Finley’s War Years // American Journal of Philology. 2014. Vol. 135. № 2. P. 243–266.
12. Naiden F.S. Moses Finley’s Communist Party Membership // American Journal of Philology. 2017. Vol. 138. № 4. P. 739–742.
13. Porter S.N. Humanitarian Diplomacy after World War II: The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration // Foreign Policy Breakthroughs: Cases in Successful Diplomacy / Eds. R. Hutchings, J. Suri. New York, 2015. P. 21–46.
14. Tompkins D.P. Moses Finkelstein and the American Scene // Moses Finley and Politics / Ed. W.V. Harris. Leiden, 2013. P. 5–30.
15. Tompkins D.P. The Making of Moses Finley // M.I. Finley: An Ancient Historian and His Impact / Eds. D. Jew, R. Osborne, M. Scott. Cambridge, 2016. P. 13–30.