Books by Tanzanian Historians of Recent Decades: Contribution to the Postcolonial Library

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

This article analyzes books that the author personally purchased in Tanzania in 1996 and at the end of 2018. They were published from the 1990s to 2017. As a rule, they are of low circulation, not available in Russian libraries and are not posted on the Internet. Some of them are published in Swahili, which further narrows their readership.

The books analyzed are devoted, separately, to the history of Zanzibar and Tanganyika (Tanzania). In the first group – «Guide to the history of Zanzibar» by A. Mohammed, «The Struggle for the Liberation of Zanzibar» by B. F. Mrina and W.T. Matoke, «A Brief History of Zanzibar» and «The History and Conservation of Zanzibar Stone Town» by groups of authors and «Pan-Africanism or pragmatism? Lessons of Tanganyika – Zanzibar Union» by I. Shivji. In the second group: «Bagamoyo: the Beauty on the Beach» by S. Kajeri and J. Henschel, «A New History of Tanzania» by I. Kimambo and co-authors, «Aspects of Colonial Tanzania History» by L. Mbogoni and three school textbooks – two on the history of East Africa issued in in 1988 and 1992 respectively and one on the history of all Africa issued in in 2015.

The books of the past three decades, written by Tanzanian historians, are an unquestionable contribution to the post-colonial library. Written by different generations, they significantly expand the understanding of the history of Tanzania by attracting new sources, expanding the range of issues studied, and examining the history of one African country in relations with the outside world. Every book is characterized by a harsh criticism of Eurocentrism, search for identity at various levels, and often an attempt to combine the incompatible. The scope of the material can be remarkably diverse – from basic research to local, from the history of only Tanganyika or only Zanzibar to the history of the entire East African region and even the entire African continent. There is also a variety of genres – from deep special studies designed for specialists, to popular publications and school textbooks. Research topics are becoming more and more diverse.

KeywordsTanzanian historiography, African countries, history of Tanzania, history of Zanzibar, school textbooks, criticism of Eurocentrism, identity, postcolonial library
Publication date29.01.2021
Number of characters45400
100 rub.
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