Moscow and the 1935 Communist Revolt in Brazil

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

In the 20th century history of Brazil the “communist uprising” of 1935 is the object of constant attention and interest not only of historians, but also of the society that see in this attempt of “revolutionary onslaught” a heroic page in the history of the struggle for national liberation. The most important place in this story is occupied by the role of the Comintern. The Comintern’s interest in the revolution in Brazil coincided with the transition to the side of the Communists of the head of the tenentist movement, Luis Carlos Prestes, who managed to subordinate to his political plans both the entire power of the Comintern and the Brazilian Communist party, of which he became the unofficial leader with the support of Moscow. The Comintern's bet on the uprising was made by its functionaries, the leaders of the Latin American Lander-Secretariat G. Skalov and A. Guralsky, who considered the situation in Brazil to be similar to that in China. In alliance with Prestes, they were able to subjugate the Communist Party, forcing it, against the general opinion of its members, to take the line of rebellion. With their own hands, the Comintern subordinated the Communist Party to the left wing of the tenentists led by Prestes. The course of the uprising was supported by the leadership of the Comintern at the 7th congress, with Dimitrov’s forced neutrality. The Brazilian adventure is a vivid example of the managerial solution of major political problems in the Comintern in those years. The blame for the defeat was laid at the door of the leaders of the Communist Party; the lessons of the uprising were not seriously analyzed in Moscow. For Brazil, the defeat of the “communist uprising” in November 1935 paved the way for the consolidation of Getulio Vargas's regime and the legitimization of his dictatorship. The collapse of the Brazilian communist revolution not only added to the list of the Comintern’s defeats, but also put an end to all plans and illusions of the revolutionary explosion in the Western Hemisphere, which for a long time faded into the background on the agenda of the communist movement and the USSR foreign policy.

Keywords3th Conference of Latin-American Communist Parties, Brazil, uprising of November 1935, Luis Carlos Prestes, Comintern
Publication date13.03.2020
Number of characters54077
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