“The Third Edition of the Vendee” or the Conspiracy of the Duchess of Berry in 1832

Publication type Article
Status Published
The Russian Presidential Academy Of National Economy And Public Administration
State Academic University for the Humanities
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

The events of the Vendee War of 1793—1796 are well studied in French historiography, but they are still a subject of serious scholarly and ideological disputes among French historians. The word «Vendee» eventually became a symbol of opposition to the French Revolution. For Vendee itself, the war became a system-forming event, and the region still lives with memories of it, creating its own identity based on it. During the “One Hundred Days” the “second edition” of Vendee happened. The July Revolution of 1830 and coming to power of King Louis-Philippe of Orleans turned the Vendee into a bet in a political game again. This «third edition» of the Vendee (or the fifth Vendee War, May 24 - June 12, 1832), which went down in history as the conspiracy of the Duchess of Berry (1832), is the focus of this article. Unsuccessful and, by and large, doomed to the failure uprising in the Vendee (1832) entered history and acquired romantic fleur largely due to Duchess of Berry’s participation in it, and she herself has become a legend due to the rebellion. The article concludes that the main reason for the defeat of the uprising of 1832 was that the Vendee was pacified by the Concordat, or, to be more precise, by a liberal religious policy, which provided the population with the freedom of worship. Therefore, in 1832, the peasantry of Vendee did not respond to the call of the Duchess of Berry and the Legitimists. For the Legitimists themselves, the defeat of the uprising was important: from now on they would abandon any idea of a conspiracy and rely on the parliamentary opposition.

KeywordsVendee, the Vendean Uprising of 1832, the Duchess of Berry, legitimism, July monarchy, historical memory
Publication date13.03.2020
Number of characters69783
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