Issue 6

  • 920 rub.
  • Issue number: 6

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Epidemics and History: Multiple Approaches to the Subject Dmitry Mikhel / Irina Mikhel Pages 5-21
From Small Wars to Guerrilla Warfare: Imperial School of British Military Thought During the Interbellum Stanislav Malkin Pages 22-30
Projects of Colonization of Algeria During the Early French Occupation (1830–1834) Evgenia Prusskaya Pages 31-43
On the Reasons Why the Reinsurance Treaty Was not Renewed in 1890 František Stellner Pages 44-54
On Role of General V.E. Borisov in the Stavka of the Supreme Commander in 1915–1917 Sofya Anisimova Pages 55-64
Immigrant Communes in Soviet Russia (USSR) of the 1920s–1930s: Organization, Functioning, Relations with the Authorities Leonid G. Berlyavskiy / Vitaly Bondarev Pages 65-79
British Project in Palestine: Colonial “National Home” Liudmila Samarskaia Pages 80-92
On the Formation of the Exhibition “Religion and Atheism of Ancient Greece” in the Museum of the History of Religion and the Atheism of the USSR Academy of Sciences (According to Documents of SPbB ARAS) Larisa Bondarj Pages 93-106
The Soviet Presence in the Middle East in the Context of the Unfolding Cold War: Church Institutions and Actors of Influence in Palestine in 1940–50th Nadezhda Belyakova / Maksim Kail Pages 107-120
“Pavel Pavlovich” and Nikita Sergeevich: Soviet-Belgian Summits and the Informal Aspect of High Politics During the Cold War Mikhail Lipkin Pages 121-148
Israel-Egypt Agreements of 1974–1975 in the Context of Regional and International Relations: A New Perspective Alek Epstein Pages 149-164
The State in Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Economic Policy: Retrospective and Modern Context Marina V. Klinova Pages 165-177
The Regional Security in the Space of CIS (On the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of the Commonwealth) Efim Pivovar / Alexander Guschin / Alexander Levchenkov Pages 178-188
Post-Colonial Africa (Africa: Postcolonial Discourse / eds T.M. Gavristova and N.E. Khokholkova. Moscow, 2020) Alexandr Balezin Pages 189-190
European Societies and Migrants, or “Others” Among “Us” (Jessy M. (ed.). European Societies, Migration and the Law. The “Others” Among “Us”. Cambridge. 2021) Tatiana Fadeeva Pages 191-195
The Diary as a Source on the History of the Early Modern Period: the Finer Elements of Academic Publication and Interpretation (Erich Lassota von Steblau. Kreuz und quer durch Europa. Von Krieg, Politik, Kultur und Religion. Das Tagebuch des habsburgerischen Diplomaten und Landsknechtführers Erich Lassota von Steblau (1573–1594) / hrsg. Th. Riis. Kiel, 2021) Arina Lazareva Pages 196-200
Is the Twentieth Century Over? Round Table at the Historical Faculty of Moscow State University Alexander Vatlin / Pavel Knyazev Pages 201-204
Round Table “Russia at International Forums and Conferences of the XV–XX Centuriesˮ Maxim Anisimov Pages 204-206
On the 70th Anniversary of A.A. Komarov Yuliya Mikhaylova / Lyudmila Sadova Pages 207-210
In Memoriam
Remembering Chernysheva O.V. (1934–2021) Editorial “Modern and Current History” Pages 211-212
Popov V.N. (1935–2021) Editorial “Modern and Current History” Pages 212-212

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