Draft concept of Russian legal policy in the field of electronic justice as a doctrinal document

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Saratov state law Academy
Address: Saratov, Russian Federation
Affiliation: Saratov state Law Academy
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 11

The article analyzes the general principles, content and main directions of legal policy in the field of e-justice. The relevance of the research topic is evidenced by the importance of developing a special doctrinal document - a draft Concept of the Russian legal policy in the field of electronic justice. The authors characterize the current state of e-justice in Russian society. The definitions of concepts used in the draft Concept of Russian legal policy are stated, namely: legal policy, legal policy in the field of electronic justice, information technology, artificial intelligence, robot, chat bot, etc. The goals, objectives and means of legal policy in the field of electronic are defined justice. The main directions of legal policy in the field of e-justice are revealed, in particular, the forms of implementation of such a policy: law-making and law enforcement. The necessity of preparing the Dictionary-Handbook “Russian Legal Policy in the Field of Electronic Justice” along with the draft Concept of the Russian Legal Policy is argued.

Keywordslegal policy, e-justice, information technology, doctrinal document, the Concept of Russian legal policy, Dictionary-dictionary, judicial activity, judicial system, civil process, foreign experience.
Publication date03.12.2020
Number of characters27393
100 rub.
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