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1. Romanova V.V. Energy Law Order: Current State and Tasks / V.V. Romanova. Moscow : Yurist. 2016. 255 p.
2. Romanova V.V. § 1 Problems, Strategic Goals, and Tasks of Legal Regulation for Energy Security / V.V. Romanova // Problems and Tasks of Legal Regulation For Energy Security and Protection of Energy Market Players’ Rights : monograph / Edited by V.V. Romanova. Moscow : Yurist. 2019. P 14–49.
3. Dubovik O.L. Legal Liability for Violation of Laws on the Use of Nuclear Energy, Radiation Safety, and Radioactive Waste : Monograph / O.L. Dubovik. Moscow : NB-Media. 2013. 229 p.
4. Chernogor N.N. Metamorphoses of Law and Challenges to Legal Science in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic / N.N. Chernogor, M.V. Zaloilo // Russian Law Journal. 2020. No. 7. P. 5–26.
5. Yegorov I. A Fresh Eye of the Prosecutor General / I. Yegorov // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2020. June 18.
6. Trifonova E. The Coronavirus Does Not Negate Human Rights. Council of Europe Warned Against Limiting Guarantees and Freedoms under the Pretext of the Pandemic / E. Trifonova // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 2020. April 12.
7. Fedorov V.A. The Legal Institute of Exceptional (Military and Emergency) State in the Russian Federation : thesis of Ph.D. (Law) / V.A. Fedorov. Moscow. 2003. 231 p.; Fomin A.A. Emergency Laws in the Russian State: Theoretical and Legal Research : thesis of Ph.D. (Law) / A.A. Fomin. Saratov. 2001. 204 p.; Rushailo V.B. Special Administrative and Legal Regimes in the Russian Federation : thesis of LL.D. / V.B. Rushailo. Moscow. 2004. 347 p.; Kalita E.S. On the “Emergency Law” and Emergency Situation Law / E.S. Kalita // Administrative Law and Procedure. 2013. No. 10. P. 40–43; Zyryanov S.M. Extraordinary (Special) Administrative and Legal Regimes: the Notion and Justification of the Need of Introduction / S.M. Zyryanov // Russian Law Journal. 2016. No. 4. P. 72–81.
8. Russian Newspaper. 2020. April 15.