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1. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Putina V.V. Federal'nomu Sobraniyu. 1 marta 2018 g. [President V.V. Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly of Russia. March 1, 2018 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 01.02.2019).
2. Kuznetsov A.V., otv. red. Regulirovanie inflyatsii v usloviyakh sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskikh disbalansov. Moskva, IMEhMO RAN, 2017. 328 s. [Kuznetsov A.V., ed. Regulirovanie inflyatsii v usloviyakh sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh disbalansov [Governing inflation under economic and social disparities]. Moscow, IMEMO, 2017. 328 p.] DOI:10.20542/978-5-9535-0522-2
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4. Rosstat. [Federal State Statistic Service (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 01.02.2019).
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17. Bank Rossii. Doklad o denezhno-kreditnoj politike TsB RF. Mart 2016 g. Moskva. 20 s. [Bank of Russia. Monetary Policy Report. Moscow, March 2016. 20 p. (In Russ.)]
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19. Vystuplenie Predsedatelya Banka Rossii Eh.S. Nabiullinoj v Gosudarstvennoj Dume RF. 16.06.2015 [Speech of the Governor of the Bank of Russia in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. June 16, 2015 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 20.06.2015).
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21. Siluanov rasskazal, skol'ko by stoil dollar, esli by ne byudzhetnoe pravilo. RIA-Novosti, 20.06.2018. [Siluanov told what the Ruble exchange rate would be if there was no “budget rule”. RIA-Novosti, 20.06.2018. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 01.02.2019).
22. Bank Rossii. Doklad o denezhno-kreditnoj politike. №2. Iyun' 2018. 2 c. [Bank of Russia. Monetary policy report. No. 2. Moscow, June 2018. 2 r. (In Russ.)]
23. TsB vremenno zablokiroval snizhenie klyuchevoj stavki. RIA-Novosti, 15.06.2018. [Bank of Russia temporarily blocked the decrease of the key rate. RIA-Novosti, 15.06.2018 (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 01.02.2019).