Central Asia: Heuristics and Models

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO)
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameMirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia
EditionVolume 62 Issue 10

The article presents the results of study of the Central Asia natural region construction process, which has a long scientific tradition in Russia and in the world. It shows the evolution of this structure from a hypothesis to geographic, strategic and futurological constructions. While analyzing the empirics of Central Asian complexes, products of external actors’ geopolitical activity in the post-Soviet space were identified and compared. Heuristics have been highlighted in a geographic discourse, which were also revealed in new approaches to modeling the political form of the region. The materials used to identify heuristics were the works of European authors (K. Ritter, F. Ratzel, A. Humboldt, V. Vogel) containing spatial hypotheses which created conditions for transformation of supranational institutions into post-national mechanisms for the management of a macroregion that took the form of a European states union. Current models of Central Asia are historically linked to heuristics of the geographic core of Asia and its transition zones. The objectification of historical and modern models allowed tracing the spatial transformation of the taxon, separating the geographic core from the new political formation denoted as “Central Asia of five states” (pentad). The contradiction between geographical and political discourses is caused by the Western community’s perception of the post-Soviet space as a frontier, a unique part of which is Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia. It has been revealed that geographic principles in regional presentations being part of globally oriented survival strategies in modern models of external governance in Central Asia are being used improperly flexible; the use of dialogical technologies is called to embody the design aim in the form imposed on the transformed object of the future.

KeywordsCentral Asia, regional space, transition zone, natural region, political region, Central Asia of the five states, pentad, frontier
Publication date15.11.2018
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