On the 80th Anniversary of Alla Sergeevna Namazova

Publication type Personal
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 4


Publication date05.08.2021
Number of characters15118
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1. Vneshnjaja politika Rossii XIX i nachala XX v. T. XVII. Avgust 1830 – janvar' 1832 g. / otv. red. G.N. Sevost'janov [Foreign Policy of Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Vol. XVII. August 1830 – January 1832 / ed. G.N. Sevostyanov]. Moskva, 2005. (In Russ.)

2. Istorija evropejskoj integracii 1945–1994 / pod. red. A.S. Namazovoj, B. Jemerson [History of European integration 1945–1994 / eds A.S. Namazova, B. Emerson]. Moskva, 1995. (In Russ.)

3. Ljubin V.P. Rec. na kn.: A.S. Namazova. Bel'gija: jevoljucija gosudarstvennosti v XVIII–XX vekah. M., 2008 [Rec. ad op.: A.S. Namazova. Belgium: the evolution of statehood in the 18th–20th centuries. Moscow, 2008] // Novaja i novejshaja istorija [Modern and Contemporary History]. 2009. № 4. S. 194–197. (In Russ.)

4. Namazova A.S. Bel'gijskaja revoljucija 1830 g [The Belgian Revolution of 1830]. Moskva, 1979. (In Russ.)

5. Namazova A.S. Bel'gija [Belgium] // Novaja istorija stran Evropy i Ameriki / pod red. E.E. Jurovskoj, I.M. Krivoguza [New history of the countries of Europe and America / eds E.E. Yurovskaya, I.M. Krivoguz]. T. 1. Moskva, 1998. S. 181–184. (In Russ.)

6. Namazova A.S. Bel'gija v 1950–1960 gg. [Belgium in 1950–1960] // Vsemirnaja istorija [World History]. T. XII. Moskva, 1979. (In Russ.)

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8. Namazova A.S. Bel'gija, Ljuksemburg [Belgium, Luxembourg] // Malye strany Evropy v XX veke / otv. red. A.O. Horosheva [Small countries of Europe in the 20th century / ed. A.O. Khorosheva]. Moskva, 2010. S. 62–88, 156–169. (In Russ.)

9. Namazova A.S. Bel'gija. Istoricheskij opyt: tradicii i sovremennost': kurs lekcij [Belgium. Historical experience: traditions and modernity: a course of lectures]. Moskva, 2001. (In Russ.)

10. Namazova A.S. Bel'gija: korolevstvo i imperija [Belgium: Kingdom and Empire] // Vsemirnaja istorija v shesti tomah. T. 5 / otv. red. V.S. Mirzehanov [World history in six volumes. Vol. 5 / ed. V.S. Mirzekhanov]. Moskva, 2019. S. 403–416. (In Russ.)

11. Namazova A.S. Bel'gija; Ljuksemburg; Niderlandy [Belgium; Luxembourg; The Netherlands] // Monarhi Evropy: sud'by dinastij / red.–sost. N.V. Popov [Monarchs of Europe: destinies of dynasties / ed.–comp. N.V. Popov]. Moskva, 2008. S. 35–67, 183–197, 209–225. (In Russ.)

12. Namazova A.S. Vseobshhaja istorija. Uchebnik dlja 7, 8 klassa (v soavt. s E.N. Zaharovoj) [Universal history. Textbook for the 7th, 8th grade (in co-author. with E.N. Zakharova)]. Moskva, 2012. (In Russ.)

13. Namazova A.S. Dinastija Saksen-Koburg Gota v Bel'gii [The Dynasty of Saxe-Coburg Gotha in Belgium] // Novaja i novejshaja istorija [Modern and Contemporary History]. 1994. № 1. S. 199–216. (In Russ.)

14. Namazova A.S. Znamja revoljucii nad Brjusselem [The Banner of the Revolution over Brussels] // Voprosy istorii [Questions of history]. 1974. № 10. S. 200–206. (In Russ.)

15. Namazova A.S. Iz istorii obrazovanija nezavisimogo bel'gijskogo gosudarstva [From the history of the formation of the independent Belgian state] // Francuzskij ezhegodnik 1974 [French Yearbook 1974]. Moskva, 1976. S. 172–189. (In Russ.)

16. Namazova A.S. Iz istorii revoljucii 1830 g. v Bel'gii [From the history of the revolution of 1830 in Belgium] // Francuzskij ezhegodnik 1972 [French yearbook 1972]. Moskva, 1974. S. 129–153. (In Russ.)

17. Namazova A.S. Istochniki po istorii Bel'gii XVIII–XX vv. v arhivah i bibliotekah Moskvy [Sources on the history of Belgium of the 18th–20th centuries. in the archives and libraries of Moscow]. Moskva, 2004. (In Russ.)

18. Namazova A.S. Monarhija i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Bel'gii v XIX–XX vv. [Monarchy and civil society in Belgium in the 19th –20th centuries] // Politicheskaja istorija na poroge XXI veka: tradicii i novacii [Political history on the threshold of the 21st century: traditions and innovations]. Moskva, 1995. S. 166–170. (In Russ.)

19. Namazova A.S. Pis'ma russkogo general'nogo konsula I. Faciusa iz Brjusselja, kak istochnik dlja izuchenija Brabantskoj revoljucii 1789–1790 gg. [Letters of the Russian Consul General I. Facius from Brussels, as a source for the study of the Brabant Revolution of 1789–1790] // Russia and the Law Countries in the Eighteenth Centurry. Groningen, 1998. P. 125–135. (In Russ.)

20. Namazova A.S. Revoljucija 1830 g. v Bel'gii i obrazovanie nezavisimogo gosudarstva: avtoref. na soiskanie uch. stepeni kand. istoricheskih nauk [The Revolution of 1830 in Belgium and the Formation of an independent State: autoref. diss. ... candidate of historical sciences]. Moskva, 1974. (In Russ.)

21. Namazova A.S. Juzhnye Niderlandy vo vtoroj polovine XVIII v.; Bel'gijskaja revoljucija 1830 g. [Southern Netherlands in the second half of the XVIII century; The Belgian Revolution of 1830] // Niderlandskie oblasti ot batavov i belgov do Bel'gijskoj revoljucii 1830 g. Inno-vacionnyj uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks “Istorija”: uchebnoe posobie / otv. red. G.A. Shatohina-Mordvinceva [The Netherlands regions from the Batavs and the Belgians to the Belgian Revolution of 1830. Innovative educational and methodological complex “History”: textbook / ed. G.A. Shatokhin-Mordvintseva]. Moskva, 2018. S.169–179, 217–230. (In Russ.)

22. Rossija i Bel'gija. Stranicy istorii. K 150–letiju ustanovlenija diplomaticheskih otnoshenij. Dokumenty i issledovanija / sost. A.S. Namazova [Russia and Belgium. Pages of history. On the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Documents and research / comp. A.S. Namazova]. Moskva, 2003. (In Russ.)

23. Rossija i Evropa. Diplomatija i kul'tura / otv. red. A.S. Namazova [Russia and Europe. Diplomacy and culture / ed. A.S. Namazov]. Vyp. 1. Moskva, 1995; Vyp. 2. Moskva, 2002; Vyp. 3. Moskva, 2004; Vyp. 4. Moskva, 2007. (In Russ.)

24. Rossija i Francija: istoricheskij opyt XVIII–XIX vv. / otv. red. A.S. Namazova [Russia and France: historical experience of the 18th–19th centuries / ed. A.S. Namazov]. Moskva, 2008. (In Russ.)

25. Fondy bel'gijskogo proishozhdenija. Annotirovannyj ukazatel' / sost. T.A. Vasil'eva, A.S. Namazova [The funds are of Belgian origin. Annotated index / comp. T.A. Vasilyeva, A.S. Namazova]. Moskva, 1995. (In Russ.)

26. Намазова А. Dinastiyata na Koburgite v B`lgariya // Epoxi. Istoricheski spisanie [The Coburg Dynasty in Bulgaria // Epochs. Historical Journal]. 1996. № 2. С. 39–45. (In Bolg.)

27. Намазова А. Uchastieto na Belhiya v P"rva svetovna vojna // 80 godini ot P"rvata svetovna vojna [Participation of Belkhia in the First World War // 80 years of the First World War]. Veliko T"rnovo, 2001. С. 43–52. (In Bolg.)

28. Namazova A. L’institution monarchique en Europe et les liens de la Maison Romanoff avec la famille royale de Belgique // Patrimoine Russe. Revue Scientifique de la Fondation pour la préservation du Patrimoine Russe dans l’Union Européenne. Bruxelles, 2012. P. 46–60.

29. Namazova A. La pensée soсiale progressiste russe et le centenaire de la Révolution française // 1889: Сentenaire de la Révolution française. Réactions et Représentations politiques en Europe. Bern, 1992. P. 107–114.

30. Namazova A. Les emprisonniers belges dans les camps russes // Bulletin du Centre de deuxieme guerre mondial. Bruxelles, 1994. P. 18–21.

31. Namazova A.S. Guide des documents relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique conservés dans les archives des institutions publiques de Moscou (1778–1940) // Bulletin de la Commission royale d’Histoire. Vol. 171. 2005. P. 273–370.

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