Migration processes in Venezuela through the prism of population censuses

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: MA in sociology, lecturer of the Department of demography, researcher of the Institute of Demography
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 9

The article is devoted to the analysis of internal and external migrationprocesses in Venezuela, using the statistics of population censuses about migrants stock.The country has both quite typical for the Latin American countries, as well as someunique features of migration. Despite the attempts to implement regional developmentprograms, there is a concentration of the population in the narrow list of states. Thecountry has been hosting international migrants for a long time. There is an increase inemigration and a decline in immigration in recent decades. The new wave of outflowfrom the country began in 2014 due to the economic crisis. The scale of the current migrationoutflow can only be determined after the new censuses of the 2020 round.

KeywordsVenezuela, population migration, population censuses, crisis
Publication date01.10.2018
Number of characters750
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