Evolution of environmental discourse in Latin America: traditions and innovations

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 2

In this article, the author continues his attempts to theoretically substantiate the peculiarities of the ecological discourse in the region, that was undertaken earlier in the journal "Russian Political Science". The task at hand is to reflect the changes that have occurred in the content of environmental discourse, including its variations on Latin American soil. The rental model of the economy against the background of the “commodity boom” in the countries of the studied region was supplemented by the so-called “consensus of commodities”. This process brings its own adjustments to the interpretation of environmental discourse, not only actualizes it, but also politicizes it in the socio-political agenda. Curiously enough, this feature applies to many countries with rich natural resources. The author's goal is to show how these processes were included in the structure of the «eco-territorial turn» what is experienced in the region.

KeywordsBuen Vivir, de-growth, ecological swaraj, post-extractivism, «consensus of the commodities», sustainable development, discourse analysis, Pachamama
Publication date08.02.2021
Number of characters27734
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