Evolution of environmental discourse in Latin America: traditions and innovations |
Aleksandr Shinkarenko
Pages 6-16 |
Argentina on the road to territorial expansion in the 21st century. The Problem of the Antarctic |
Evgeniy Ponomarev
Arina Galitsina
Pages 17-28 |
A difficult start for the President of Mexico. Economic and social aspects |
Victor L. Semenov
Pages 29-46 |
Sea Dispute in Chilean-Bolivian relations: origins, evolution and prospects for settlement |
Denis Kuznetsov
Nikolay Gabdulin
Pages 47-68 |
Afro-Portuguese postcolonial library: transatlantic perspectives |
Varvara Kuznetsova
Maria Mazniak
Pages 69-78 |
Russian trace in Brazilian ballet. On the formation of classical ballet in Brazil |
Natalia Bogoliubova
Yulia Nikolaeva
Pages 79-94 |
Bolivia's sea problem |
Irina Selivanova
Pages 95-102 |
Latin America and Eurasia: today and tomorrow |
Ariel Gonzalez Levadgi
Pages 103-110 |