Uruguay — USA: evolution of bilateral relations under the governments of the Broad Front

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Researcher
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 9

In October 2019 the next general parliamentary and presidential elections will be held in Uruguay. The completion of the electoral cycle involves the analysis of the achievements and failures of the country in interior and foreign policy. This article discusses the evolution of bilateral relations between Montevideo and Washington during the period of Broad Front governments in Uruguay. On the basis of party documents, statements by state leaders, media materials and expert assessments article shows the formation of the agenda of the Uruguay-American dialogue, changes in the institutions and mechanisms of bilateral political and economic relations. The article shows that Uruguayan-American relations have significant development prospects, which are associated both with trends in the dynamics of integration processes in the region, and with changes in the nature of Washington’s Latin American policies under the presidency of D. Trump. Based on an analysis of the foreign political programs of political parties in Uruguay, the author concludes that the results of the general elections in Uruguay in October 2019 will be a key factor in the development of bilateral relations: if the right forces succeed, Montevideo can be reoriented to Washington and ultra-left forces bilateral projects can be frozen.

KeywordsUruguay, Broad Front, USA, foreign policy
Publication date28.08.2019
Number of characters37173
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