Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

This article provides a comprehensive analysis and understanding of existing epistemological approaches to the study of legal understanding. The paper discusses modern doctrinal concepts related to the definition of the category of 'legal understanding', including its ontological, axiological, and problematic aspects. It provides a critical analysis of some methodological approaches to organizing the content of the doctrine of legal understanding. The author focuses on the theoretical characteristics of ontological categories of legal understanding, specifically the essence and definition of the concept of law. These are considered as the internal content and completed (idealized) form, along with their axiological problem and epistemological positioning in the structure of modern legal knowledge. The idea that the objective system- and structure-forming properties of ontological categories are of universal (global) importance and should not be ignored, and that their polyvariety should be excluded, is supported by general scientific methods and requirements.

It is concluded that the theory of legal understanding represents the fundamental direction of legal science for developing reliable, objective, and substantiated knowledge about the essence and understanding of law. The theory of legal understanding should be determined by specific (strict) requirements of scientific rationality, such as finding objective laws of change and development of law, establishing its essence, creating an idealized theoretical construct (concept definition) of law, and development of scientific foresight and forecasting of the future of law, etc.

Keywordslegal understanding, the essence of law, legal doctrine, scientific rationality, legal methodology, epistemology of law
Publication date06.06.2024
100 rub.
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