Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process
Affiliation: Siberian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Novosibirsk, 630091, Novosibirsk, Derzhavin street, 14, apt. 50
Occupation: associate of professor of Siberian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Affiliation: Siberian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russia, Novosibirsk, 2-ая Обская, дом 154, квартира 1594
Journal nameJournal of Russian Law

The state becomes an active participant in civil turnover both in Russia and abroad, becoming involved in solving public tasks and providing common benefits by establishing legal entities. Unitary forms of legal entities, previously popular in the field of public property management, have faded into the background compared to corporate entities with state participation, the effectiveness and expediency of which is ambiguous. The question is raised about the formation of general trends in the legal regulation of the mechanism and forms of state participation in civil turnover both in Russia and abroad.

With the help of the formal legal method of studying the norms of legislation and doctrine, the mechanisms and forms of the state's inclusion in civil circulation and the realization of property rights by it are compared. The participation of the state in civil legal relations is investigated indirectly or by special order, excluding the direct participation of state bodies in civil turnover. Special attention is paid to the statuses of state corporations and companies, public law companies that occupy a special place in the mechanism of solving state tasks and, as a rule, do not have economic efficiency.

The analysis of the legislation and practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China as countries with a peculiar approach to regulating the participation of the state in ensuring public interests through the stimulation of private participants in the turnover and the introduction of special forms of organizations is presented. Commercial and non-commercial joint-stock companies are compared, the prospects of introducing such a form of organizations as social and entrepreneurial corporations are evaluated.

The absence of a system of organizational and legal forms of legal entities that meets the modern needs of the state and society and fully ensure the effective management of public property for solving state tasks is substantiated. The prospect of reforming the legal regulation of state participation in the activities of corporations is determined.

Keywordscivil turnover, unitary enterprises, public law companies, social and entrepreneurial corporations, non-profit joint stock company
Acknowledgmentauthors' means
Publication date24.04.2024
100 rub.
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