The Formation of the Legislature in Iceland

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

In the first period of Icelandic history (9th — 13th centuries), the formation of the institutions of its state power took place. They were formed according to the Scandinavian model, taking into account local specifics. In addition to the regional þingar, a general meeting of eligible residents began to gather in Iceland — the alþingi, which was presided over by a law-speaker (lǫgsǫgumaðr). In the absence of a supreme centralized authority, law-speakers were the most influential people in the country, figures so significant that their names served as chronomarkers. However, not much information has been preserved in the sources about the first Icelandic law-speaker, Hrafn Hængsson. The details of his life, unlike other representatives of his clan, are practically unknown; most of the information about him is preserved in the Landnámabók, Egils saga and Orms þáttr Stórólfssonar.

KeywordsIcelandic Commonwealth, legislature, Icelandic law-speaker (lǫgsǫgumaðr), Hrafn Hængsson (ca. 880—949), family sagas, Landnámabók (The Book of Settlements)
Publication date15.07.2024
Number of characters42534
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