Cotton Policy of Tsarist Russia in the Lower Reaches of Amudarya (Late 19th — Early 20th Century)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Karakalpak Research Institute of Humanities (Karakalpak Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Affiliation: Azhiniyaz Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Nukus
Journal nameISTORIYA

This article covers the issues of cotton sowing in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, which began to expand significantly in the late 19th century, not due to the general growth of irrigated lands, but as a result of the reduction and displacement of food crops; on the basis of numerous archival and other historical materials it is noted that cotton, leaving the hands of dekhkans, concentrated in the hands of buyers and before export from the oasis was already a subject of wholesale trade, collected in large folds, the owners of which were mainly Russians.

KeywordsTurkestan Governor-General's Office, cotton, Central Asia, lower reaches of the Amu Darya, Amu Darya department, Khiva Khanate, irrigation, irrigation
Publication date31.05.2024
Number of characters27704
100 rub.
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