Cities of Crimea in the Works of Arab Geographers of the 12th — 14th Centuries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The paper is devoted to a comparative analysis of information about the cities of the Crimean peninsula in the works of Arab geographers of the 12th — 14th centuries (al-Idrīsī, Ibn Sa‛īd al-Maghribī and Abū al-Fidā’. Despite the continuity of the works of these authors — both in general and in relation to information about the Crimean cities — each of them used his own sources to describe the Crimea, which reflected the main directions of the trade routes passing through the peninsula. The analysis carried out in the paper made it possible to establish the geographical nomenclature of the port cities of Crimea in the 12th — 14th centuries, their role in the Black Sea navigation during this time, and also to reconstruct the map of the navigation routes of this section of the Black Sea.

KeywordsArab geographers of the 12th — 14th centuries, city, Crimea, Black Sea, sea routes, portolano
Publication date18.10.2021
Number of characters30113
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